Certificate of Accomplishment (credit: usually under 18 units) Stem Cell Technology
Stage 2

Tentative Future Assessment Plans

Assessment TermFall 2013
Assessment Activities
  • Assessment (measurement) of outcomes
  • Analysis and discussion of assessment data and next steps
Assessment DetailsWe plan on meeting with all faculty teaching courses in this certificate program to determine the best methods for assessing program success in terms of certificate completion and employment in the field of cell biology.

ILO Alignment and Assessment Plans

I.A. Use reason and creativity...PSLO 3 Able to demonstrate and apply knowledge of fluorescent markers and stains in cell biology research

PSLO 4 Able to demonstrate and apply knowledge of methods of quantitating and analyzing cellular proteins

PSLO 5 Able to demonstrate and apply knowledge of methods of quantitating and analyzing cellular nucleic acids
I.B. Apply diverse viewpoints...PSLO 3 Able to demonstrate and apply knowledge of fluorescent markers and stains in cell biology research

PSLO 4 Able to demonstrate and apply knowledge of methods of quantitating and analyzing cellular proteins

PSLO 5 Able to demonstrate and apply knowledge of methods of quantitating and analyzing cellular nucleic acids
I.C. Locate, retrieve, and evaluate information...PSLO 3 Able to demonstrate and apply knowledge of fluorescent markers and stains in cell biology research

PSLO 4 Able to demonstrate and apply knowledge of methods of quantitating and analyzing cellular proteins

PSLO 5 Able to demonstrate and apply knowledge of methods of quantitating and analyzing cellular nucleic acids
Fall 2013 ILO Assessment PlansYes we plan to assess one of the above-mapped SLOs in Fall 2013.

SLO Details Storage Location

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