DMI 51B - Radiographic Exposure Factor Factors - Stage 5 - Kathleen Hurley


Assessment Methods
  • Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific SLOs
  • Direct observation of performances, practical exams, group work
Assessment DescriptionAnalysis of exam, quiz and lab write-ups associated with a specific SLO.
Learning OutcomesAll
Number of Sections1
Number of Instructors1
Number of Students14

Data Analysis

Data Shared With

Faculty and staff within our department

Data Sharing Methods
  • Face-to-face meetings
  • Email
Data SummaryThe class average for laboratory practical was 92%,

The class average for the Final Exam was 80% .
Analysis SummaryThe average score on laboratory assignments was 92% indicating a high level of practical application for choosing appropriate exposure factors as well as evaluating how those technical factors chosen, effects the diagnostic quality of a radiographic image.
Next Steps PlannedNo answer
Learning OutcomesNo answer

Tentative Future Plans

TermFall 2013

Assessment (measurement) of outcomes

More DetailsAssessment of outcomes by analyzing quizzes, lab write-ups & examinations

• Direct observation of performance in laboratory, as well

group work.

SLO Details Storage Location

ELECTRONIC COPY - On a department web server or shared document system

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