PHYC 4C - Physics for Scientists and Engineers - Stage 5 - Stephen Swingle


Assessment Methods

Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific SLOs

Assessment DescriptionThe solutions to each problem on each of the first four exams were divided into five key steps. Each step was associated with a single learning objective. When the exams were graded, each point awarded was recorded. The resulting data provided an overall score for each objective.
Learning OutcomesBetween the four test every outcome was assessed at least once.
Number of Sections2
Number of Instructors1
Number of Students~55

Data Analysis

Data Shared With
  • Faculty and staff within our department
  • Students
Data Sharing Methods

Website review and commentary

Data SummaryTaking into account every test the average score for each learning outcome are as follows,

A. Demonstrate an understanding of concepts. 78.9%

B. Apply mathematical models. 60.2%

C. Derive formulas. 40.2%

D. Employ the techniques presented. 68.5%

E. Combine concepts and techniques from multiple topic areas. 44.9%

F. Integrate course material with prerequisite course material. 77.8%
Analysis SummaryDue to the diversity of outcomes, the desired level of proficiency in each area is different. The scores for areas C and E were low, however, mastery in these areas is very hard to obtain. Prior to the assessment, a projected outcome of 35-50% was expected. The results were in line with that expectation.
Next Steps PlannedIn order to improve outcomes in areas C and E, the students will be shown more examples where these skills are needed. Additionally, the steps in the examples that employ these skills will be emphasized and identified as employing these skills.
Learning OutcomesOutcome areas C and E.

Tentative Future Plans

TermFall 2013
  • Revision of outcomes and assessment methods (measurements)
  • Assessment (measurement) of outcomes
  • Analysis and discussion of assessment data and next steps
  • Implementation of planned changes and reassessment
More DetailsSome of the outcome areas seem repetitive. In particular, areas B and D, while different in how they are written, are hard to distinguish when assessing exams. These areas could be combined.

Each exam given in the fall will be assessed using the same method. The results will again be analyzed to see if changes are needed.

SLO Details Storage Location

ELECTRONIC COPY - In my electronic filing system (hard drive or web server)

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