BIO 40 - Plants and Animals of California - Stage 5 - Joseph Cannon


Assessment Methods
  • Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific SLOs
  • Assignments based on rubrics (such as essays, projects, and performances)
  • Direct observation of performances, practical exams, group work
  • Pre & post surveys or tests
  • Classroom response systems (such as iClickers or computers)
  • Capstone projects or final summative assignments
Assessment DescriptionNo addition types of assessments beyond above list
Learning OutcomesSLO J, K, L, M and B (GE SLO 1)

J. Assess human impact on each of California's major natural regions and the resulting

specific environmental problems.

K. Propose specific strategies to counter negative human impact in the major natural

regions of California.

L. Analyze and discuss current events of environmental significance.

M. Acquire and analyze published technical information pertaining to Californian natural


Course SLO B, GE SLO 1: Interpret ecological models using the basic concepts of ecology and the laws of thermodynamics.
Number of Sections1
Number of Instructors1
Number of Students32

Data Analysis

Data Shared With
  • Instructors of the same course (at CCSF)
  • Faculty and staff within our department
Data Sharing Methods
  • Face-to-face meetings
  • Shared document files
Data SummaryAll of the following SLOs ( J, K, L, and M) listed for Biology 40 were assessed by evaluating two written assignments. There were two pre-assignments which were specific written responses to directed questions.


J. Assess human impact on each of California's major natural regions and the resulting specific environmental problems. Paper assignment #1

K. Propose specific strategies to counter negative human impact in the major natural regions of California. Paper assignment #2

L. Analyze and discuss current events of environmental significance.

Paper assignment #1 & #2

M. Acquire and analyze published technical information pertaining to Californian natural history.. Paper assignment #1 and #2

Paper ass #1 ass #2

proficient 24 15

developing 3 4

# assessed 27 19

not assessed 3 8

Course SLO B, GE SLO 1: Interpret ecological models using the basic concepts of ecology and the laws of thermodynamics.

proficient > 70 18 out of 32 students

developing < 70 14 students out of 32

accessed # 32

not accessed # 0
Analysis SummaryProficiency was determined with by students achieving > 70% on exam or assignment
Next Steps PlannedRefer to 9 C below and:

Implement more conceptual questions during the lecture to better assess students ability to understand and apply class concepts

I will implement several student assignments to review and analyze scientific articles directly applicable to class content
Learning OutcomesAll


DetailsIncluded paper assignments (two pre and one final paper)

In class informal assessments that are graded on effort and quality of content not correctness

Challenge question/discussions at the beginning of class to identify and address common misconceptions and end of class questions to assess new understanding

Introduced a new field assignment associated with habitat restoration field trips
Learning OutcomesSLOs: B, J, K, L, M

GE Area C Details

Learning OutcomesCourse SLO B, GE SLO 1: Interpret ecological models using the basic concepts of ecology and the laws of thermodynamics.
Number Students: Proficient18 out of 32 students were assessed to be proficient
Number Students: Developing14 out of 32 students were assessed to be at the developing level
Number Students: No Evidence0 all were assessed
CriteriaStudents were considered proficient if they answered >70% of exam questions correctly.
Extra DetailsNo answer

Tentative Future Plans

TermFall 2013
  • Revision of outcomes and assessment methods (measurements)
  • Assessment (measurement) of outcomes
  • Analysis and discussion of assessment data and next steps
  • Implementation of planned changes and reassessment
More DetailsThe course outline will be revised and moved through the Curriculum Committee for adoption.

One to several of the new SLOs will be selected and accessed.

Assessments to be used:

• Specific exam questions relating to these areas

• Present review questions following the presentation of concepts to assess student understanding

• In-class assignments related to these topics

• Homework, particularly guided case studies that include current ecological research.

Success is >70% of students proficient.

SLO Details Storage Location

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