BIO 31 - Introduction to Environmental Science - Stage 5 - Peggy Lopipero-Langmo


Assessment Methods
  • Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific SLOs
  • Student self-assessments (such as reflective journals and surveys)
Assessment DescriptionIn Spring 2013, I repeated the survey used Fall 2012 of student’s perceptions of their mastery of detail level SLOs for the first third of the semester (i.e., key concepts students should be able to understand/articulate). The results of the self-assessment were compared to the principle assessment measurement, namely a multiple choice and short answer midterm exam. The test results were analyzed as usual to ascertain the content areas and concepts that are the most challenging. The exam results were compared with the student’s perception of their mastery of those concepts/content areas. Content areas of focus were basic principles of energy and its flow through ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles and human impacts on these cycles. Student performance in these areas was evaluated and compared to last semester results.
Learning OutcomesThe SLOs for Environmental Science are broadly written. In order for students to be able to demonstrate proficiency, they must first acquire background knowledge in basic principles of chemistry, physics, biology and Earth Science. The assessment conducted was directed at this background content covered in the first 1/3 of the semester. Consequently, all SLOs were indirectly assessed.
Number of Sections1
Number of Instructors1
Number of Students30

Data Analysis

Data Shared With
  • Faculty and staff within our department
  • Faculty and staff from related programs/departments
  • Students
Data Sharing Methods
  • Face-to-face meetings
  • Shared document files
Data SummaryIn Spring 2013, I repeated the survey used Fall 2012 of student’s perceptions of their mastery of detail level SLOs for the first third of the semester (i.e., key concepts students should be able to understand/articulate). The results of the self-assessment were compared to the principle assessment measurement, namely a multiple choice and short answer midterm exam. The test results were analyzed as usual to ascertain the content areas and concepts that are the most challenging. The exam results were compared with the student’s perception of their mastery of those concepts/content areas. Content areas of focus were basic principles of energy and its flow through ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles and human impacts on these cycles. Student performance in these areas was evaluated and compared to last semester results.

The survey consisted of twenty-two detail-level SLOs. Students were asked to rate their understanding for each detail level SLO on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high). Other questions asked included how many hours students study for the class, for the exam, how many classes they have missed, whether or not they have had a college level science class, whether or not they use the course resources (e.g., study guide questions, lecture slides, exam review guidelines, attend review sessions), and whether or not they completed required weekly assignments. Students were required to fill out the survey in order to get their midterm exams back. Each student was also given two points extra credit for its completion. The entire survey can be viewed by following this link

Twenty-nine students out of thirty took the survey and the midterm exam. The student that did not take the survey did not return to the class after the first exam. The entire survey results can be viewed by following this link

I was particularly interested in seeing what if any improvement might have occurred given that I had revised the lecture slides on energy basics, energy and nutrient movement through ecosystems and human impacts on these cycles-the areas that have always been the most challenging. I also had expanded and provided more in depth coverage on these topics and further examples, and included as required viewings animations and tutorials on these areas. Similar exam questions on these topics were used. I was also interested to see if having a smaller class affected student performance. This semester it did not seem to matter. I had some of the worst attendance, poorest performance on exams, and completion rates of assignments in the history of teaching this course.

About 30% of the students spent more than six hours per week on the class (results similar to last semester) and 66% said they did the required homework assignments (e.g., textbook readings and viewings) and used course resources (e.g., lecture slides, study questions, review notes for the exam). This result was better than last semester – only about half of the students indicated completion of assignments and usage of course resources.

The average for the first exam was a 69% (median 72%). This was the lowest average for the first exam in the seven years I have taught the course. It usually varies between 72% and 76%. Thirty percent of the students achieved an A or a B (>80%). This was far lower than fifty-seven who achieved greater than 80% of total points Fall 2012. Note that more than 1/2 of students enrolled last semester indicated that they might pursue a degree in environmental science compared to about 1/3 this semester. The class size was also about double in the Fall. The students who rated themselves with a 4 or 5 for each detail level SLO averaged 66% and ranged from 52% (“Describe the complexity and interrelatedness of the Earth’s systems including feedback loops, the flow of energy and the cycling of matter between them”) to 82% (“Describe the process of science and the scientific method including the process of peer review).
Analysis SummaryThe following table shows a comparison between student performance Fall 2012 and Spring 2013. The percentages represent students who responded correctly to the exam questions directed at the detail level SLOs. Note that there were two to three questions per detail level SLO. The percentages in parenthesis represent student’s perceptions of proficiency.

Detail level SLO Percentage of Students Who Answered Midterm Set of Questions Correctly

(Percentage of students with perceived proficiency of 4 or 5 out of 5)

Fall 2012 Spring 2013

Understand basics of the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and origin of energy for most living systems 59 (43) 64 (66)

Understand interrelatedness of the Earth’s systems including feedback loops, the flow of energy, and the cycling of matter 67 (62) 67 (52)

Discuss human impacts on biogeochemical cycles and ways to lessen these impacts 76 (59) 59 (55)

The overall findings showed that there was little correlation between student performance on exam questions and their perception of proficiency of the corresponding detail level SLOs. Sometimes students thought they knew more than they did but the converse was also true. It is possible that self-assessment surveys are not useful for this type of course. Another finding that is consistent with earlier surveys and exams are that certain concepts stand out as being particularly challenging. Areas that continually prove difficult for students in the first third of the semester include basic energy and chemistry principles including the flow of energy and the cycling of matter through the Earth’s systems and how human activities impact and potentially disrupt these systems. This was the area in which course changes were made. Little to no improvement was noted despite efforts to improve the presentation of the material and assignments affiliated with the topics. Proficiency actually worsened regarding understanding of human impacts on biogeochemical cycles. Recall, the early statement that I experienced the worst exam performance, attendance, and follow-through with assignments with this group of students than in previous semesters.
Next Steps PlannedI will continue to work on the same content areas and detail level SLOs in Fall 2013 but cannot be expected to work miracles if students do not do their part to study and learn. I plan to work with colleagues who address similar concepts in their courses and to develop a worksheet or quiz and continue to refine exam quesitons. In addition, I will also provide more opportunities for students to analyze data shown in class as well as greater class time for evaluation of evidence and proposed solutions to environmental and resource issues. The latter will help in addressing course SLOs D and H. Assessment methods will be through quizzes and exams. I do not plan to use a self-assessment survey in future but will develop a new survey to assessment study habits (this information was the most useful from the current survey) as well as getting their feedback on challenging material and suggestions on what might have helped them develop mastery.
Learning OutcomesRefer to previous answers.


DetailsI had revised the lecture slides on energy basics, energy and nutrient movement through ecosystems and human impacts on these cycles-the areas that have always been the most challenging. I also had expanded and provided more in depth coverage on these topics and further examples, and included as required viewings animations and tutorials on these areas.
Learning OutcomesRefer to previous answers.

GE Area C Details

Learning OutcomesAs explained previously, the SLOs for environmental science are written broadly. This is a consequence of its multidisciplinary nature. The assessment conducted address basic scientific principles covered the first third of the semester. The SLOs indirectly linked are listed below. Note that one must understand basic scientific principles before being able to apply this information to demonstrate proficiency. The assessment conducted this semester may not be helpful in demonstrating that this is the case. Regardless, I am presenting the work conducted as best I can in the format requested.

B. Identify major environmental and natural resource issues in the context of human welfare.

C. Describe the scientific evidence underlying environmental and resource problems and relate them to their political, social, and historical context.
Number Students: Proficient12 out of 30
Number Students: Developing18 out of 30
Number Students: No EvidenceNo answer
CriteriaStudents were considered to be developing proficiency if they were able to answer questions regarding the complexity and interrelatedness of the Earth's systems including feedback loops, the flow of energy and the cycling of matter between them but were not yet able to apply this information to correctly answer questions on how humans have impacted these systems - specifically human impacts on biogeochemical cycles. Students correctly answering both sets of questions were considered proficient.
Extra DetailsThe ability to take content and apply it using critical thinking skills continues to be a challenge each semester. Students also continue to be overcommitted both in terms of numbers of classes they are taking and/or work so the time devoted to study is not what is needed for proficiency truly to take place.

Tentative Future Plans

TermSpring 2014

Revision of outcomes and assessment methods (measurements)

More DetailsAs stated previously I will create a specific quiz and/or worksheet to address the basic scientific principles supported by these earlier assessments.

SLO Details Storage Location

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