CNIT 197 - Internship and Work Experience - Stage 5 - Sam Bowne

Tentative Future Plans

TermFall 2013
  • Revision of outcomes and assessment methods (measurements)
  • Assessment (measurement) of outcomes
More DetailsThis course is being revised every semester not in terms of its content but in the strategies in regards to the partnerships with companies where our students are doing their internships

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Additional Highlights

The internship classes, CNIT 197 and 198 depend on developing and

nurturing good relationships with off-campus employers. Each semester

we learn how to meet their needs more effectively. We now have

students placed in full-time positions at NASA Ames, Cloudflare, and

Lawrence Berkeley Labs, and interns working at many other local


We have also learned from several career counselors how to guide

students in preparing resumes and succeeding at job interviews.

CNIT 10 is also part of this process of developing relationships with

local employers, and has been instrumental placing students at jobs.

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