BCST 145 - Field Video Production - Stage 5 - Misha Antonich


Assessment Methods

Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific SLOs

Assessment DescriptionPre & Post Quiz Question

I assessed and quantified a specific intermediate core concepts addressed in assigned reading, the class book and lecture.


What is the speed in frames per second of broadcast video in the US?

(Correct Answer: 29.97 fps)
Learning OutcomesC. Describe and analyze techniques and issues in SMPTE time code editing and in computer-based editing.
Number of Sections1
Number of Instructors1
Number of Students24

Tentative Future Plans

TermFall 2013

Analysis and discussion of assessment data and next steps

More DetailsI plan to implement instructional changes based on the feedback/assessment of the previous round. Overall, the students did good (with 84% knowing the correct answer at the end vs. the beginning of the course.).

SLO Details Storage Location

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