IDST 14 - American Cultures in Literature and Film - Stage 5 - Ishibashi/ Muller


Assessment Methods
  • Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific SLOs
  • Student self-assessments (such as reflective journals and surveys)
  • Student satisfaction surveys
  • Pre & post surveys or tests
Assessment Descriptionquizzes and short written responses that replicated the language of the SLOs, expository quizzes, multiple choice quizzes, take home assignments to summarize articles, group presentations with a rubric, self-assessment, course evaluation
Learning OutcomesAll in general; Intersectionality, conquest and colonization, and the themes of "us" vs "them" more specifically
Number of Sections2
Number of Instructors6
Number of Students68

Data Analysis

Data Shared With

Instructors of the same course (at CCSF)

Data Sharing Methods
  • Face-to-face meetings
  • Email
  • Website review and commentary
Data SummarySpring 2013:

In small group discussions and subsequent presentations, students demonstrated an ability to analyze and recognize rhetorical , cinematic, and aesthetic strategies that either reinforce or undermine the themes of "us" vs. "them." In relation to the GE H1 requirement, they wrote personal essays limning the links between literary, filmic, and personal experiences of the American Dream.

Summer 2013:

After a take-home assignment that required students to use the reading to identify and demonstrate their knowledge of the specific learning objectives, 90% of the students adequately addressed the learning objectives in an in-class quiz

positive comments:

Students valued guest speakers, field trips, the breadth and depth of the course coverage, exposure to new representations of American film and literature. A typical positive comment:

"In my whole college career I have yet to take a class like this where I was able to get a vantage point from a minimal bias. I thought the course was fantastic overall. The course helped me realize my own prejudices. More importantly, I now have a much better understanding of how these prejudices possibly came about. I come away from this course a better person and more understanding of the differences between all of us."

student suggestions for improvement:

the course was mis-named and focused more on ethnic studies than literature and film.

more film analysis and less literature

better cohesion between sections

The student survey responses showed marked improvement in areas that correspond with the H1 diversity GE requirement and the Area E Humanities GE requirement: In the initial survey roughly 1/3 of the students felt they had less than adequate knowledge of each of the SLOs; in the final survey: In the final survey 0 students indicated less than adequate knowledge; The percentages of students who felt they achieved excellent knowledge doubled and tripled, with the strongest advances occurring in knowledge of aesthetic and literary tools, and the lowest jump occurring in 5. How well can you demonstrate knowledge of the important steps in the national struggle for reconciliation and embracing of diversity?
Analysis SummaryIn the short answer and quizzes, above 80% indicated achieving proficiency.

In the student survey, a jump of 20% indicates significant progress.
Next Steps PlannedUpdating the course outline to close the loop. We have been working on this course outline for 2 full cycles of SLO assessment and need to complete the process of submitting the proposal to the curriculum committee.

Faculty will consider student requests for more emphasis on film analysis
Learning OutcomesAll


DetailsWe revised the course outline to meet the current guidelines of the curriculum committee and updated the bibliography.
Learning OutcomesAll

Tentative Future Plans

TermFall 2013
  • Revision of outcomes and assessment methods (measurements)
  • Assessment (measurement) of outcomes
  • Analysis and discussion of assessment data and next steps
  • Implementation of planned changes and reassessment
More DetailsInstructors in both sections being taught Fall 2013 will review the Spring/Summer 2013 SLO report.

They will develop a comment assessment tool to be administered in both sections.

SLO Details Storage Location

Additional Highlights

The course reader is organized to explicitly correspond to the course outcomes. This makes it easy for students to recognize and faculty to assess each SLO and the relationship among them.

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