PHYC 10L - Conceptual Physics Laboratory - Stage 5 - Roger King


Assessment Methods

Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific SLOs

Assessment DescriptionTwo questions were given to all students in the Physics 10L lab. One question was a short answer question, which was graded on a basis of correct, or wrong. The second question required an explanation of a physical phenomenon, and was graded using a rubric for correct, partially correct, and wrong. The partially correct, and wrong answers were further subdivided in order to attempt to understand student misconceptions.
Learning OutcomesNote that the Course Ouline is being updated. From the current outline the following item was assessed:

A.4 Make and read a graph.

A.7 Think critically in analysis ofexperimental data.

For the upcoming upcoming SLO's in new Course outline we assessed:

E. Interpret graphical data for physical systems.

F. Communicate physical concepts in writing and graphically.

Note that since the results from Spring 2013 are used as a baseline the new SLO's are the more relevant for future assessments.
Number of Sections8
Number of Instructors~4
Number of Students~140

Data Analysis

Data Shared With

Instructors of the same course (at CCSF)

Data Sharing Methods
  • Face-to-face meetings
  • Email
Data SummaryLearning objective E (Interpret graphical data for physical systems) was assessed via a short answer question. 54% of students were able to answer this question correctly.

Learning objective F (Communicate physical concepts in writing and graphically) was assessed by asking students to describe a physical phenomenon. 27 % of students answered correctly, 33% answered partially correctly, and 40% of students were wrong.

Note that since these questions will be used in future assessments they will not be stated in this form to protect their integrity.

Note A.4 and A.7 from current Course Outline map to SLO E above:
Analysis SummaryThe results from this semester are intended to serve as a baseline for future assessments. Future assessments, in either the Fall, 2013 semester, or Spring 2014 semester, will be compared against the results of the current assessment. Changes in student outcome will then be used to evaluate the success of instructional changes.
Next Steps PlannedInstructors for Physics 10L will meet early in the Fall, 2013 semester to review the current results, and to outline a plan for assessing the remaining student learning outcomes. Additional learning outcomes will be assessed in the Fall, 2013 semester.

Part of the discussion will also include a discussion of how best to asses the Physics 10L lab, and whether the current approach is working.
Learning OutcomesThe learning outcomes currently assessed (E, and F) will be reassessed in either Fall, 2013, or Spring 2014 to look for improvement.

The remaining learning outcomes will be assessed in either the Fall, 2013, or Spring, 2014 semester.


DetailsA series of 3 worksheets with an emphasis on graphical analysis was added to the lab curriculum.
Learning OutcomesE. Interpret graphical data for physical systems.

Tentative Future Plans

TermFall 2013
  • Revision of outcomes and assessment methods (measurements)
  • Assessment (measurement) of outcomes
  • Analysis and discussion of assessment data and next steps
More DetailsCurrently we have assessed to outcomes (E and F). We need to develop plans for assessing the remaining outcomes, and decide if the strategy of incorporating common questions in all lab exams is working as intended.

However given out results for this semester we can start working on plans for instructional improvement.

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