BCST 103 - Mass Media and Society - Stage 5 - Karyn Beyer


Assessment Methods

Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific SLOs

Assessment DescriptionThis particular outcome is a key component of the course. Understanding the basic history of media is critical to understanding the development and role of media in today’s society.

I pre-assessed and post-assessed 5 quiz questions.
Learning OutcomesSummarize the history, organization, mechanics and functions of the various mass media such as radio, television, film, print media (books, newspapers, magazines), sound recording and the Internet/World Wide Web.
Number of Sections1
Number of Instructors1
Number of Students51

Data Analysis

Data Shared With
  • Faculty and staff within our department
  • Faculty and staff from related programs/departments
  • Faculty and staff from across the college
Data Sharing Methods
  • Face-to-face meetings
  • Teleconferencing or skype
  • Email
  • Phone
Data SummaryOf the five questions % correct answers went from 50% to 76 % pre to post, 75% to 78%, 85% to 100%, 75% to 98% and 81% to 91%.

In all but one questions students move to a level of proficiency which I set at 85% correct.
Analysis SummaryIn all but one questions students move to a level of proficiency which I set at 85% correct.
Next Steps PlannedAll question results show appropriate increases in percentage correct.
Learning OutcomesThis SLO was addressed adequately. I will select a different SLO next term.


DetailsFor the one question last semester where there was obviously still some confusion, I will revamped that topic in more detail during its assigned lesson. The result was an extremely high rate of proficiency this semester. I will move on to a new SLO next semester.
Learning OutcomesSummarize the history, organization, mechanics and functions of the various mass media such as radio, television, film, print media (books, newspapers, magazines), sound recording and the Internet/World Wide Web.

Tentative Future Plans

TermFall 2013

Assessment (measurement) of outcomes

More DetailsI will choose a new SLO to assess next semester as this one was understood and mastered by students.

SLO Details Storage Location

HARD COPY - In a department filing system (department office)

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