AAPS 103 - Orientation to College Transfer - Stage 4 - Luis Escobar

Data Analysis

Data Shared With
  • Instructors of the same course (at CCSF)
  • Faculty and staff within our department
Data Sharing Methods
  • Face-to-face meetings
  • Email
  • Shared document files
Data SummarySLO: Describe and differentiate transfer requirements to UC, CSU and private universities

Question #1 Pre-Test: 16% Post-Test: 78%

Question #2 Pre-Test: 38% Post-Test: 50%

Question #3 Pre-Test: 44% Post-Test: 86%

Question #4 Pre- Test: 50% Post-Test: 36%

SLO: Formulate a thorough understanding of the college degree and certificate requirements

Question #1 Pre-Test: 16% Post-Test: 71%

Question #2 Pre-Test: 33% Post-Test: 71%

Question #3 Pre-Test: 38% Post-Test: 64%
Analysis SummaryAn analysis of the data illustrates that with the exception of one question, there was improvement in the percentage of students answering the questions correctly in the post-test in comparison to the pre-test. For majority of the questions there was significant improvement (ie: 16% pre-test vs 78% post-test) with the exception of one question that only had a modest improvement in the percentage of students that answered correctly on the post-test.
Next Steps PlannedOverall, the data illustrated that students had a significant improvement on almost all areas as it related to the assessment of the two slo's that were measured. On the other hand, the data also helped us identify 2 areas in which student understanding can be improved. One of the questions showed only a modest improvement (12%), and a decrease in the percentage correct on a second question which indicates that students are not grasping the particular areas those questions were assessing. Therefore, instructors met to discuss what are other strategies in which those areas can be further emphasized during the course so that students gain a stronger understanding.
Learning OutcomesSLO: Formulate a thorough understanding of the college degree and certificate requirements

SLO: Describe and differentiate transfer requirements to UC, CSU and private universities


DetailsInstructors met to discuss what are other strategies and new activities in which areas of improvement needed were identified can be further emphasized during the course so that students gain a stronger understanding. New strategies and activities that were decided on are to implemented in the Fall 2013 course.
Learning OutcomesSLO: Describe and differentiate transfer requirements to UC, CSU and private universities

SLO: Formulate a thorough understanding of the college degree and certificate requirements

Tentative Future Plans

TermFall 2013

Implementation of planned changes and reassessment

More DetailsPrevious assessment year SLO process resulted in instructors identifying areas that needed further emphasis to improve student understanding of those particular areas. Instructors decided to implement new strategies and activities to be implemented fall 2013 to improve upon those particular identified areas. Reassessment will also be implemented to decipher if new strategies and activities led to increased overall understanding of the SLO's being measured.

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