ACBO 9213: QuickBooks, A/P & A/R
Stage 3
Yvonne J. Webb

Basic Information

Number of Outcomes3
Number of Outcomes Assessed3
Assessment FrequencyEvery year
Analysis FrequencyEvery semester
Detail LinkLink

Course Information

Number of Course Sections3
Number of Instructors3

Assessment Methods

MethodsStudent assessments included:

1. self-paced, hands-on project assignments using QuickBooks company practice files to record accounts receivables (A/R) and accounts payable (A/P) business transactions into QuickBooks 2012 accounting software;

2. direct observation of individual student recording of simple accounting transactions into A/R and A/P records using QuickBooks 2012 accounting software;

3. evaluation of student attendance and participation.

Assessment Data Discussion and Analysis

TermFall 2013, Summer 2013, Spring 2013
How and With WhomI discussed my data with business faculty providing instruction for this same course to get their feedback on assessment analysis. My discussions were by telephone and email.
Number Assessed19
Data Summary74% of students (14 out of 19 students) completed all assignments demonstrating their ability to record accounts payable and accounts receivable transactions into QuickBooks Pro 2012 accounting software and received a letter grade of at least a “B” or better. A score of 40 indicates that students met all outcomes measured. 59% or 11 students scored 40 or more points. A grade received on project assignments of 80% or a score of 32 indicates student learning outcomes were achieved. These results indicate that students are meeting outcomes as described in the course outline on record.
Planned ImprovementsThe assessment revealed the need to: 1. Create pre and post surveys to assess student accounting/bookkeeping knowledge; 2. Create student satisfaction survey administered at the end of the course session.
Program Review LinkNo answer

Future Plans

TermSpring 2014
ActivitiesAssessment (measurement) of outcomes, Implementation of planned changes and reassessment
Details1. Create pre- and post-survey instruments to assess student knowledge of accounting, bookkeeping, accounting software and other business technology.

2. Increase collaboration and discussion with instructors teaching QuickBooks Pro.

3. Revise PowerPoint presentation on A/R and A/P
HighlightsNo answer

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