Discipline Mathematics
Stage 1

Tentative Future Assessment Plans

Assessment TermFall 2013
Assessment Activities

Assessment (measurement) of outcomes

Assessment DetailsThe department will select one of our discipline SLOs for assessment in Fall 2013. The discipline assessment will take place simultaneously with course SLO assessments. We will assess course SLOs that map to our chosen discipline SLO. Data will be analyzed at the course level and will be also assembled into a discipline-level report.

ILO Alignment and Assessment Plans

I.A. Use reason and creativity...• Construct, transform, and interrelate symbolic, graphical, numerical, and verbal representations of mathematical structures and patterns.

• Read, interpret, communicate, and critique mathematical explanations.

• Apply appropriate mathematical modeling methods and tools to solve problems in a clear and organized way.
I.B. Apply diverse viewpoints...No answer
I.C. Locate, retrieve, and evaluate information...No answer
Fall 2013 ILO Assessment PlansYes we plan to assess one of the above-mapped SLOs in Fall 2013.

SLO Details Storage Location

ELECTRONIC COPY - On a department web server or shared document system

Additional Highlights

Our mathematics discipline SLOs were drafted in Fall 2012. Spring 2013 was devoted to development of the AS-T major in mathematics which has its own set of SLOs. In Fall 2013, we will return to our discipline SLOs for an assessment mapped through course SLOs.

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