Certificate of Accomplishment (credit) Infectious Diseae PRevention in Priority Populations
Stage 4



Revised current HIV/STI Prevention certificates to a new certificate; Infectious Disease Prevention in Priority Populations deleted certificates; HIV/STI Prevention Case Management HIV/STI Prevention Education Facilitation

Learning Outcomes1. Comprehend, apply, and evaluate information on infectious disease prevention and management; primarily HIV, STI, TB, Hepatitis, and other select communicable diseases.

2. Demonstrate entry-level proficiency in skills including case management, outreach, client navigation & linkage, and counseling-motivational interviewing.

3. Demonstrate the ability to work with members in diverse communities including gay men, transgender, youth, communities of color, and consumers of substance abuse services using principles of harm reduction and cultural humility.

4. Demonstrate the behavioral, ethical, and professional interpersonal skills necessary for employment in the field.

Tentative Future Assessment Plans

Assessment TermFall 2013
Assessment Activities
  • Assessment (measurement) of outcomes
  • Analysis and discussion of assessment data and next steps, revise HLTH 67 core course in certificate
Assessment Details-continue to assess attainment of individual couse SLO in certificate classes

-revise HLTH 67 core certificate course

-cont to analyze current job announcements to match certificate program SLO's

-cont to dialog with SFDPH partners re program assessment and revision

ILO Alignment and Assessment Plans

I.A. Use reason and creativity...No answer
I.B. Apply diverse viewpoints...No answer
I.C. Locate, retrieve, and evaluate information...No answer
Fall 2013 ILO Assessment PlansNone of our PSLOs map to these ILOs.

SLO Details Storage Location

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