International Student Counseling
Stage 5

Assessment Activities

Assessment Methods
  • Pre & post exams or surveys
  • Direct observation of students
Assessment DescriptionF-1 students completed pre/post test during 3 different workshops facilitated by International Student counselors. From dialogue among counselor presenters, a decision emerged to change the wording of one survey question for clarity. Students' application for OPT maintain zero error rate.
Learning OutcomesBy the end of the OPT workshop, students will gain knowledge of the qualifications, procedures, and eligibility for applying for OPT.
Number of Counselors3
Number of Students50

Data Analysis

Data Shared With
  • Faculty and staff within our department
  • Faculty and staff from related programs/departments
  • Students
  • Dept. Chair
Data Sharing Methods
  • Face-to-face meetings
  • Email
  • Phone
Data SummaryF-1 students completed pre/post tests during 3 different workshops facilitated by International Student counselors. From dialogue among counselor presenters, a decision emerged to change the workding of one survey question for clarity. Students' applicaton for OPT maintain zero error rate.
Data AnalysisDuring a discussion with counselors and after review of the pre/post test data, it was decided to change the wording on one question.

The students' knowledge and comprehension of the OPT process increased significantly as a result of the change in wording.
Next Steps Planned

The International Student Counseling Program will continue to use the workshop format to deliver the information on OPT. The program counselors scheduled the OPT workshops for the Fall 2013-1014 academic year.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the OPT workshop, students will gain knowledge of the qualification, procedures, and eligibility for applying for OPT.

Tentative Future Assessment Plans

Assessment TermSpring 2014
Assessment Activities
  • Revision of outcomes and assessment methods (measurements)
  • Assessment (measurement) of outcomes
  • Analysis and discussion of assessment data and next steps
  • Implementation of planned changes and reassessment
Assessment DetailsOur plans will include creating either an online or video format of the OPT workshop. We find there is a need to present the material even after the workshop cycle has been completed. For a variety of reasons, students are unable to attend a workshop; the electronic format will provide the opportunity to still gain the knowledge provided by the workshop.

SLO Details Storage Location

Additional Highlights

Perhaps one year ago I would not have done the depth of assessment that I now do. It is invaluable to me to gain the breadth of opinons and insights from faculty, staff and students from the department. I realize that the assessment process is an important tool for program planning.

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