CSST 9661 - Food Preperation and Dining - Stage 3 - Maureen Kellond


Assessment Methods
  • Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific SLOs
  • Direct observation of performances, practical exams, group work
  • Student satisfaction surveys
Assessment DescriptionAsked one common question about the temperature danger zone on each exam.

Daily asked students while in lab various questions dealing with safety and sanitation.
Learning OutcomesPractice proper sanitation and safety in the kitchen
Number of Sections1
Number of Instructors1
Number of Students14

Data Analysis

Data Shared With
  • Faculty and staff within our department
  • Students
Data Sharing Methods

Face-to-face meetings

Data Summary10 out of 16 students got a 80% or higher on the safety and sanitation exam at the beginning of the semester.

9 out of 14 students got the common question correct at midterm.

13 out of 14 students got the common question correct on final exam.

90% of the class passed homework in homework related to the SLO

Students were practicing proper safety and sanitation almost all the time in the kitchen. When they were observed doing something wrong they were corrected and closely observed not to repeat it.

13 out of 14 students scored 80% or better in the sanitation section of rubrics
Analysis SummaryStudents have achieved the outcome if:

80% got a 90% or better on beginning safety and sanitation exam. Only 62% got a 90% or better. However this number greatly improved with future tests.

Homewok with correct answers reguarding safe food handeling practices from 80% of students. Achieved 90%

Lab observance in compliance with standards. 13 out of 14 students 92%
Next Steps PlannedThe one criteria we did not reach is the test at the beginning of the semester. Need to do more review or lecture.
Learning OutcomesRefer to previous answers


DetailsMade one common question on all exams related to this SLO

Changed the lab points for this SLO
Learning OutcomesAll

Tentative Future Plans

TermFall 2013

Analysis and discussion of assessment data and next steps

More DetailsWill continue assessment and will analyze data to make necessary changes. Possibly go on to a different SLO

SLO Details Storage Location

HARD COPY - In my personal filing system (my office)

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