ASAM 8 - Filipino American Community - Stage 3 - Melissa Ann Canlas


Assessment Methods
  • Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific SLOs
  • Assignments based on rubrics (such as essays, projects, and performances)
Assessment DescriptionStudents were assigned to conduct an interview with a Filipina/o American of his/her choice to investigate the following questions:

• How do you define community?

• Are you involved in the Filipina/o American community?

• What do you think are some of the important issues facing Filipina/o Americans?

Students were required to contextualize interviewees’ responses with class readings and discussions. Students presented their findings in a written assignment and also through in-class presentations.
Learning OutcomesOutcome 4: Analyze and describe participation in the Filipino American community and community related activities.
Number of Sections1
Number of Instructors1
Number of Students24

Data Analysis

Data Shared With

Faculty and staff within our department

Data Sharing Methods

Face-to-face meetings

Data Summary19 students (80%) earned a grade of 88% of higher.

5 students (~20%) earned between 75-87%.
Analysis SummaryOutcome Achievement determined by a grade of 88% or higher on the assignment.

80% of students earned a grade of 88% or higher. The outcome was successfully achieved.
Next Steps PlannedNo answer
Learning OutcomesNo answer


DetailsRevised the course readings to reflect current events and issues in the Filipina/o American communities.
Learning OutcomesALL

Tentative Future Plans

TermSpring 2014
  • Revision of outcomes and assessment methods (measurements)
  • Assessment (measurement) of outcomes
  • Analysis and discussion of assessment data and next steps
  • Implementation of planned changes and reassessment
More DetailsRevise course outline and outcomes to include assessment of students’ understandings of early Filipina/o American history (including the histories of the Philippine/U.S. war, immigration, labor, and resistance).

SLO Details Storage Location

ELECTRONIC COPY - In my electronic filing system (hard drive or web server)

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