OLAD 7503 - Art & Photography Using Digital Media - Stage 3 - Lee Ellen Shoemaker


Assessment Methods
  • Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific SLOs
  • Direct observation of performances, practical exams, group work
Assessment DescriptionAt the end of the semester, I distributed six digital photographs to each student that needed enhancement and manipulation in a photo graphics program. I collected and evaluated students' edited photos using a rubric detailing five areas that had been taught in class.
Learning OutcomesThe student will be able to: enhance and manipulate art in a photo graphics program.
Number of Sections1
Number of Instructors1
Number of Students29

Data Analysis

Data Shared With

Faculty and staff within our department

Data Sharing Methods
  • Email
  • Phone
Data SummaryI found that while 90% of students could edit photos following my demonstrations, almost 50% were not successful working on their own without guidance.
Analysis SummaryStudents should be able to edit photos on their own without guidance.
Next Steps PlannedI will change my class structure to allow students to edit on their own after the demonstration and guided editing lesson. I will develop remedial lessons for areas that students have difficulty working on their own and ask students to turn in edited photos to me 4 times per semester instead of waiting until the end of the semester before measuring their progress.
Learning OutcomesThe outcome supported will be the ability to enhance and manipulate art in a photo graphics program.

Tentative Future Plans

TermFall 2013

Implementation of planned changes and reassessment

More DetailsAs previously stated, I will change my class structure to allow students to edit on their own after the demonstration and guided editing lesson. I will develop remedial lessons for areas that students have difficulty working on their own and ask students to turn in edited photos to me 4 times per semester instead of waiting until the end of the semester before measuring their progress.

SLO Details Storage Location

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