CINE 75 - Beginning screenwriting - Stage 4 - Denise Bostrom


Assessment Methods
  • Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific SLOs
  • Assignments based on rubrics (such as essays, projects, and performances)
  • Direct observation of performances, practical exams, group work
  • Capstone projects or final summative assignments
Assessment DescriptionAreas of mastery included: screenplay format, style, scene construction, three-act structure, character arc, overall pacing, understanding of the differences in genre and plot, cinematic elements, and formally critiquing screenplay pages from peers and professionals.

Weekly writing assignments included: honing screenplay format and style, character development, and story structure and plot analysis. Students could track their progress over the semester through their revised screenplay pages, evolving structural templates, by adding layers of daily, intimate and thematic complications to the stories, and comments on their weekly Coverage Sheets used to professionally evaluate and critique screenplays.
Learning OutcomesALL
Number of Sections2
Number of Instructors3
Number of Students45

Data Analysis

Data Shared With
  • Faculty and staff within our department
  • Faculty and staff from other colleges
Data Sharing Methods
  • Face-to-face meetings
  • Shared document files
Data Summary70% of students gained an understanding of professional screenplay format and style, as well as could construct a simple three-act story and identify key story and plots points. Additionally they could construct screenplay scenes containing emotional movement and/or portray characters making believable choices and revealing an emotional change. They also could employ classic cinematic grammar within each scene.

And 50% of the students mastered the screenwriting skills and art of character development and plot needed to complete a cohesive and professionally rendered screenplay.
Analysis SummaryReflecting on the recent data and critique from the department chair and cohorts, I would like to have an 80% rate of understanding of screenplay fundamentals among students and look forward to reworking the syllabus to help more students hone these skills.

And one key component to hone the course skills is revising one's work and also engaging in the class and completing the assignments. The students who experienced difficulties had not allotted enough time for the class, or could not access the classroom and/or materials easily, or needed more support in reading and writing in English to fulfill the class requirements.
Next Steps PlannedI would like to realign the SLO's to better focus on key aspects of the course while also adhering to professional requirements.
Learning Outcomes1. Research and develop well-rounded characters and convey their motivation and psychology.

2. Organize content into a coherent and effective 3-act structural synopsis.

3. Begin to construct a film in professional screenplay format and cinematic style.

4. Analyze and critique student and professional screenwriting and films in terms of character development, plot, format and cinematic style.

Tentative Future Plans

TermFall 2013
  • Revision of outcomes and assessment methods (measurements)
  • Implementation of planned changes and reassessment
More DetailsIn focusing the SLOs on these areas:

1. Research and develop well-rounded characters and convey their motivation and psychology.

2. Organize content into a coherent and effective 3-act structural synopsis.

3. Begin to construct a film in professional screenplay format and cinematic style.

4. Analyze and critique student and professional screenwriting and films in terms of character development, plot, format and cinematic style.

These will help focus the class on the essentials of screenplay writing and may clarify the class to the group of students who could not fully understand the essentials of Beginning Screenwriting.

However, this class requires student participation in-class and outside of class in order to gain an understanding of the subject. If students are unable to complete the weekly writing work, they will not gain mastery of the subject. But I'm eager to see how they respond to the modified SLOs.

SLO Details Storage Location

Additional Highlights

CINE 75 has routinely had its share of engaged, highly creative and focused students. The diverse and original scripts generated in class each semester puts most Hollywood films to shame. A good part of this fine work is generated by making it possible for a group of dedicated, talented and motivated people of all ages and backgrounds to come together, tell their stories, share them in class and support each others' efforts to turn their dreams into real films. This is the essence of democracy and public education.

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