CINE 54 - cinematography and lighting - Stage 3 - john carlson


Assessment Methods

Student self-assessments (such as reflective journals and surveys)

Assessment DescriptionSurvey of 6 questions: Do you feel that this class has taught you: 1) How to set up and operate cameras? 2) Basic light operation, safety and creating cinematic looks? 3) Basic Gripology, such as use of flags, diffusers, nets and dollies? 4) An understanding, though the first group exercise of lens length, f stop, distance, and their relationships? 5) An understanding of over and underexposure? 6) An understanding of use of color gels, basic color theory and color application?
Learning OutcomesAll
Number of Sections2
Number of Instructors1
Number of Students40

Data Analysis

Data Shared With
  • Faculty and staff within our department
  • Students
Data Sharing Methods

Face-to-face meetings

Data Summary100% of students answered the survey. They were asked to further provide any suggestions for improvement, which approximately 50% did do.
Analysis SummaryApproximately 95% of students were completely satisfied that these 6 slo goals had been met. Despite this satisfaction, ,as mentioned approximately 50% provide suggestion for further improvement. Specific suggestions are ... More do it yourself equipment demonstrations, more in class time with lighting, increased use of digital cameras in class, and for projects.
Next Steps PlannedNext semester I plan on adding more do it yourself equipment, especially in lighting demos, increase time spent explaining and demonstrating a wider variety of lights, and increase use of digital cameras, both in class and for group projects.
Learning OutcomesAll


DetailsAn increase in time with dollies, more time explaining f stop, and depth of field, more time on gels, more time on camera basics.
Learning OutcomesAll

Tentative Future Plans

TermFall 2013
  • Assessment (measurement) of outcomes
  • Analysis and discussion of assessment data and next steps
  • Implementation of planned changes and reassessment
More DetailsI will continue to modify both the survey that the students take, and update my week by week schedule to accomodate specific suggestions for improvement.

SLO Details Storage Location

Additional Highlights

Students consistently report on the survey that they are using the information gained in this class in professional endeavors outside of school.

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