VOCN 43D - Adv. Medical Surgical Nursing - Stage 4 - Ann Mayer


Assessment Methods
  • Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific SLOs
  • Assignments based on rubrics (such as essays, projects, and performances)
  • Direct observation of performances, practical exams, group work
  • Student self-assessments (such as reflective journals and surveys)
  • Capstone projects or final summative assignments
Assessment Description1. Gathered data on student performance on selected questions on the midterm and final exam.

2. Observed return demonstrations of skills in skills lab and clinical area.

3. Assessed students ability to conduct research as evidenced by their major care plan.

4. Students completed a self evaluation as well as evaluation of theory and clinical instructors.
Learning OutcomesALL
Number of Sections1
Number of Instructors2
Number of Students29

Data Analysis

Data Shared With
  • Instructors of the same course (at CCSF)
  • Faculty and staff within our department
  • Faculty and staff from related programs/departments
Data Sharing Methods
  • Face-to-face meetings
  • Email
  • Shared document files
Data Summary1. 83.95 % of students successfully responded to selected questions on the midterm and final exams.

2. 100% of students successfully demonstrated in the clinical area and simulation lab 85% of the skills required for community health nursing.

3.1oo% of students successfully conducted a research strategy that led to an effective search for information necessary for completion of the community health project with a score of at least 75%.
Analysis Summary1. Analysis of selected questions on the midterm and final exam.

2. Observation of return demonstrations in the skills lab and clinical area of the skills required for community health nursing.

3. Analaysis of student performance on the community health project.
Next Steps Planned1.Will submit changes in curriculum to incorporate SLO's during Fall 2013. Changes will also be made to more accurately reflect course content and delete those areas which are outdated or no longer relevant.
Learning OutcomesALL

Tentative Future Plans

TermFall 2013

Analysis and discussion of assessment data and next steps

More DetailsWill submit changes in curriculum to VOCN Committee and if approved then forward to campus wide Curriculum Committee.

SLO Details Storage Location

Additional Highlights

The need to revise course curriculum to more accurately reflect syudent outcomes.

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