CAHS 40 - Work Experience - Stage 4 - Lynda Hirose


Assessment Methods
  • Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific SLOs
  • Direct observation of performances, practical exams, group work
  • Student self-assessments (such as reflective journals and surveys)
  • Pre & post surveys or tests
  • External (outside CCSF) data (such as licensing exam and placement rates)
Assessment DescriptionThis is a capstone work experience class for CAHS degree majors. One of the assessment tools used are employer performance evaluations which assess competency in skills, knowledge and attitudes demonstrated by the student at their internship site. The internship sites vary based on the students’ particular career path, however the evaluation items are considered key workplace competencies that are common to most arms of the hospitality industry.

The performance evaluations are point based and employers sign and complete them. The criteria was 80% of students scoring in the favorable range between 4-5 (Good – Excellent) for skills, knowledge and attitude.

Students wrote one reflective paper identifying their goals, role models and their observations about the work environment and expectations at their internship sites. Papers were graded A – F on a 100 point scale.

Direct observations at internship site visits and in-class structured discussions provided insight into the challenges and successes students experienced.
Learning OutcomesAll
Number of Sections1
Number of Instructors1
Number of Students46

Data Analysis

Data Shared With

Faculty and staff within our department

Data Sharing Methods
  • Face-to-face meetings
  • Phone
Data SummaryPoints were tabulated from 20 point-based questions addressing skills, knowledge and attitude. These numbers were averaged and the final (not midterm) evaluation was used to determine if the student achieved the learning outcomes for this assessment. The goal was that 80% of the students would score between 4 = good and 5 = excellent. I found that 87% of the students achieved an average of 80% or better on their performance evaluations and 13% achieved less than that.

Some questions on the pre and post test/questionnaire did not correlate well with learning outcomes.

Reflection paper: 85% of students wrote papers graded with a B or higher.

Internship property evaluations: will re-evaluate this assignment for learning outcomes.

Flash card responses: 75% of students adequately responded at least 76% of the time.
Analysis SummaryGrades of 80% or higher on these assignments indicate outcome achievement.

The results of the pre and post questionnaire was inconclusive at this point and I plan to refine it in the Fall 2013.

For flash cards, at least 3 responses is considered good to excellent.
Next Steps PlannedThe pre/post questionnaire will be refined
Learning OutcomesOutcome #3: using effective job search methods.


DetailsRe-established activities and assignments that were in place prior to my sabbatical leave in Fall 2012 and were already included in my syllabus.
Learning OutcomesRefer to previous answers

Tentative Future Plans

TermSpring 2014
  • Revision of outcomes and assessment methods (measurements)
  • Assessment (measurement) of outcomes
  • Analysis and discussion of assessment data and next steps
More Details1. Revision of course syllabus to more accurately reflect the course SLOs.

2. Refine the pre/post questionnaire.

3. Discuss the usefulness/not of ”Student Evaluation of Internship Property” to measure outcomes.

SLO Details Storage Location

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