MABS 35 - Speedbuilding: Keyboarding - Stage 1 - Leslie Morales

Tentative Future Plans

TermFall 2013
  • Revision of outcomes and assessment methods (measurements)
  • Revise the current course outline of record
More DetailsThe current course outline of record is dated November 16, 1995 with a minor revision done on February 8, 2006. Minor revision is really minor (just a note under prerequisites to include two courses, MABS 25 or MABS 30 as prerequisites. The content and course objectives (student learning outcomes) are in desperate need of revision. Because this course has not been offered for a couple of semesters, revision has gone unnoticed but will hopefully be addressed this semester.

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Additional Highlights

I am hoping to use the textbook, Keyboarding Mastery, by Barbara Ellsworth with accompanying web-based software ( @ Looking over the current outdated course outline of record, I may only be able to assess one of the five current course objectives for this course.

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