CAHS 33 - Procurement and Costing - Stage 5 - Rhea Dellimore


Assessment Methods

Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific SLOs

Assessment DescriptionI used in-class assignments, online quizzes, and the Term Project to analyze students’ understanding of the course material related to the SLOs listed below.

In class assignments are group assignments (of one to four students) completed and reviewed during lecture.

Online quizzes are open book and completed by each individual student using Insight outside of class.

The Term Project is a group project (one to four students) consisting of six submittals over the course of the semester completed out of class with some time spent in class reviewing work, answering questions, and allowing groups to discuss their project. A total of 48 students completed this course.

For SLO B (Quality and Specifications):

An Insight quiz was given which asked various questions about quality and specifications such as:

- What are the two most important items that should be included in a product specification?

- Advantages and disadvantages of specifications

- Examples of various specification details (such as preservation method, intended use, form, etc.)

The Term Project asked each team to discuss the quality they desired for products and prepare product specifications for two different products. After the submittals were graded, any group that did not do well on the submittal was encouraged to correct their errors and resubmit their quality discussion and specifications for regrading.

For SLO C (Supplier Relationships):

An In-class assignment was given in which each group of students would represent a different type of supplier, or payment option, or supplier service. Each group would then present a sales pitch and review the benefits and drawbacks of doing business with each type of supplier, payment option, etc.

An Insight quiz was given which asked various questions about suppliers such as:

- Definitions of various types of suppliers, supplier services, and payment options (such as one stop shopping, co-op purchasing, etc.)

- The advantages and disadvantages of using various types of purchasing/payment options and (such as COD, standing order purchasing, etc.)

The Term Project asked each team to discuss the type(s) of suppliers that they would like to work with (such as one stop shops, primary sources, etc.) and what type of supplier services were most important to them (such as size of supplier, reciprocal buying, etc.) when procuring their products.
Learning OutcomesSLO B: Discuss how to determine and specify the quality of a product or service and prepare a product specification.

SLO C: Demonstrate an understanding of supplier relationships including the various purchasing and payment options, discounts, supplier services, and sales methods available in the foodservice industry.
Number of Sections1
Number of Instructors1
Number of Students48

Data Analysis

Data Shared With
  • Instructors of the same course (at CCSF)
  • Faculty and staff within our department
Data Sharing Methods

Face-to-face meetings

Data SummaryFor SLO B (Quality & Specifications)

Out of the 44 students who took the Insight Quiz, 35 (79.5%) received a score of 70% or higher. When considering the overall class of 48 students this percentage drops to 72.9%.

Out of the 46 students who submitted the Term Project Assignment, 33 (71.7%) received a score of 70% or higher. When considering the overall class of 48 students this percentage drops to 68.8%.

For SLO C (Supplier Relationships)

Out of the 38 students who completed the In-Class Assignment, 38 (100%) received a score of 70% or higher. When considering the overall class of 48 students this percentage drops to 79.2%.

Out of the 45 students who took the Insight Quiz, 40 (88.9%) received a score of 70% or higher. When considering the overall class of 48 students this percentage drops to 83.3%.

Out of the 45 students who submitted the Term Project Assignment, 40 (88.9%) received a score of 70% or higher. When considering the overall class of 48 students this percentage drops to 83.3%.
Analysis SummaryFor SLO B (Quality & Specifications), an average of 75.6% of students achieved a grade of 70% or higher on all quizzes and assignments dealing with this SLO. This did not meet my criteria of 80% of students showing proficiency in this SLO.

For SLO C (Supplier Relationships), an average of 91.6% of students achieved a grade of 70% or higher on all In Class Assignments, Insight Quizzes, and Term Project. This did meet my criteria of 80% of students showing proficiency in this SLO.
Next Steps PlannedFor SLO B (Quality and Specifications): Next semester (Fall 2013) I plan to spend more time with students during lecture discussing quality and giving more examples of how to write a specification. I will also give an additional In Class Assignment that focuses on writing a specification so that students can get more practice and feedback with this SLO.

For SLO C (Supplier Relationships): Next semester (Fall 2013) I plan to continue with my process for teaching this SLO.
Learning OutcomesRefer to previous answer

Tentative Future Plans

TermFall 2013

Implementation of planned changes and reassessment

More DetailsNext semester (Fall 2013) I plan to spend more time with students during lecture discussing quality and giving more examples of how to write a specification. I will also give an additional In Class Assignment that focuses on writing a specification so that students can get more practice and feedback with this SLO.

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