SOC 3 - Social Problems - Stage 5 - Art Nishimura


Assessment Methods
  • Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific SLOs
  • Assignments based on rubrics (such as essays, projects, and performances)
Assessment DescriptionAssignments completed included one pop essay question based on newspaper article with question. How is Divorce a "good" thing a 1. the personal level and 2. the structural level.

Exam question on final were:

Which of the following sociological perspectives would support the following statement? “During periods of economic crisis, the state expands welfare rolls to pacify the poor and reduce the likelihood of serious uprising. However, during economic growth and stability, the state attempts to reduce the amount of people on welfare, forcing the poor or dislocated worker back into the expanding labor force.”

A) Feminist.

B) Interactionist.

C) Functional.

D) Conflict.

In general, sociologists argue that sociology should be ___________ of personal and emotional bias in regard to the subjects examined.

A) politically free

B) value free

C) scientifically mixed

D) philosophically based

Which of the following sociological perspectives would support the following statement? “During periods of economic crisis, the state expands welfare rolls to pacify the poor and reduce the likelihood of serious uprising. However, during economic growth and stability, the state attempts to reduce the amount of people on welfare, forcing the poor or dislocated worker back into the expanding labor force.”

A) Feminist.

B) Interactionist.

C) Functional.

D) Conflict.

The difference between objective and subjective realities of social problems stem from:

A) objective realities are based on valid data collection while subjective realities are based on assumptions and personal experiences.

B) subjective realities are based on valid data collection while objective realities are based on assumptions and personal experiences.

C) there is no difference between them.

D) objective realities depend on one’s ability to discern the social construction of reality while subjective realities are free of this principal.

Consistent with __________ on drug use, some have argued that drug testing promotes various political agendas and reflect the manipulation of interest groups that market and sell drug testing and security services.

A) Interactionist theories.

B) Conflict theories.

C) Functional theories.

D) Feminist theories.

Which of the following sociological perspectives believes that drug laws are not enforced equally, with certain minority groups being singled out?

A) Interactionist.

B) Conflict.

C) Functional

D) both a and b are correct.

Which of the following is TRUE, when it comes to social problems?

A) The definition of social problems is constant across cultures.

B) The definition of social problems is contingent on the culture of the country in question.

C) Culture does not play a role in the definition of social problems.

D) Culture plays only a minimal role in the definition of social problems.
Learning OutcomesAll
Number of Sections1
Number of Instructors1
Number of Students~40

Data Analysis

Data Shared With

Faculty and staff within our department

Data Sharing Methods

Face-to-face meetings

Data SummaryA. Demonstrate an understanding of major social problems affecting society. Class met SLO criteria with 82% success statistic.

B. Identify how society defines social problems: Class met SLO criteria with 81% success statistic.

C. Understand the sources and consequences of social problems. : Did not meet SLO Criteria with 53% success statistic

D. Identify key concepts and theories essential to the sociological study of social problems: Class met SLO criteria with 74% success statistic.

E. Analyze and evaluate social problems using sociological approaches and concepts: Class met SLO criteria with 70% success statistic.

F. Interpret qualitative and quantitative information about social problems: Did not meet SLO Criteria with 63% success statistic for quantitative information. Did meet SLO Criteria with 75% success for qualitative information

G. Identify and evaluate policies and personal actions that address social problems: Did not meet SLO Criteria with 61% success statistic
Analysis SummaryStudents achieved outcome if 70% of students answer 70% of exam questions correctly or if 70% of students addressed topic elements with 70% score.
Next Steps Planned1. Add a longitudinal element so that we can begin to track improvement over time within a particular class.

2. Initiate a comparative analysis of effectiveness of in-class vs. take-home assignments and evaluation techniques.
Learning OutcomesAll


DetailsExpanded the variety and frequency of evaluation elements.
Learning OutcomesAll

Tentative Future Plans

TermFall 2013
  • Revision of outcomes and assessment methods (measurements)
  • Assessment (measurement) of outcomes
  • Analysis and discussion of assessment data and next steps
  • Implementation of planned changes and reassessment
More DetailsNo answer

SLO Details Storage Location

ELECTRONIC COPY - In my electronic filing system (hard drive or web server)

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