CAD 192 - Adv. CAD: CAD-Based Multimedia - Stage 2 - Lillian Crist

Tentative Future Plans

TermFall 2013
  • Revision of outcomes and assessment methods (measurements)
  • Assessment (measurement) of outcomes, student focus groups
More DetailsI plan to take handwritten notes of my own observations related to SLOs, use surveys and exam questions, and an original portfolio project, along with a brief student focus group session to assess SLOs.

SLO Details Storage Location

Additional Highlights

Students demonstrate proficiency with regard to SLOs by creating an original project for 4-6 weeks, creating illustrations that demonstrate their ability to put their skills to use without step-by-step instructions, and the results have been quite beautiful. All of the students love the final presentations, where they get a chance to show off what they have been working on for over a month, describe the project as though the class audience were a client (practice for real world), and also have a portfolio piece which they can demonstrate to prospective employers.

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