FIN 133 - Money and Banking - Stage 4 - Mario Yrun


Assessment Methods
  • Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific SLOs
  • Direct observation of performances, practical exams, group work
Assessment DescriptionBoth cumulative final exam results and semester-long homework results were assessed with respect to the course SLOs. The outcomes of the SLOs were assessed according to a learning rubric where the highest learning Level 3 is "analysis/evaluation", the middle learning Level 2 is "understanding/application" and the first learning Level 1 is "knowledge/recall".
Learning OutcomesFrom the official course outline of record, SLO-B "Describe the different types of financial claims, the intermediation services banks provide and the characteristics of direct and indirect financial services" was split into two parts for assessment purposes: 1) the different types of financial claims, and 2) the different types of intermediation services.
Number of Sections1
Number of Instructors1
Number of Students16 students

Data Analysis

Data Shared With

Faculty and staff within our department

Data Sharing Methods
  • Face-to-face meetings
  • Phone
Data SummaryThe final exam outcomes were as follow:

Percentage of students achieving part 1 of SLO-B: Learning level 3 - (no questions on final exam testing learning level 3 for financial claims), Learning level 2 - 78% and Learning level 1 - 75%. Percentage of students achieving part 2 of SLO-B: Learning level 3 - 72%, Learning level 2 - 75% and Learning level 1 - 79%

The homework question outcomes were as follow: Percentage of students achieving part 1 of SLO-B: Learning level 3 - 90%, Learning level 2 - 81% and Learning level 3 - 80%. Percentage of students achieving part 2 of SLO-B: Learning level 3 - 68%, Learning level 2 - 71% and Learning level 3 - 71%
Analysis SummaryFrom the homework data, a fewer percentage of students achieved the learning levels for SLO-B part 2 (intermediation services) compared to a greater percentage of students who achieved learning levels for part 1 (financial claims).

From the final exam data, the percentages achieving Learning levels for SLO-B parts 1 and 2 were roughly equivalent.
Next Steps Planned1) A greater time allocation to SLO-B part 2 will be implemented in Spring 2014

2) The attempt to include questions in the final exam that test for the highest Learning level 3 of SLO-B part 1 in Spring 2014
Learning OutcomesA greater percentage of students acheiving all Learning levels for SLO-B part 2 - intermediation services

Tentative Future Plans

TermSpring 2014
  • Revision of outcomes and assessment methods (measurements)
  • Assessment (measurement) of outcomes
  • Analysis and discussion of assessment data and next steps
  • Implementation of planned changes and reassessment, amend SLOs in official course outline of record
More Details1) The course SLOs will be modified in the official course outline of record to better reflect current best practices and outcome objectives.

2) A greater focus on the second part of the SLO assessed - "bank intermediation services and markets" to hopefully result in greater class percentages that achieve the three learning levels.

SLO Details Storage Location

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