BTEC 120 - Molecular and Cell Biotechnology - Stage 4 - Bob Del Vecchio


Assessment Methods
  • Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific SLOs
  • Assignments based on rubrics (such as essays, projects, and performances)
Assessment Description- Quizzes

- Exams: Midterm and Final exams


Explain why changes in pH can affect interactions within proteins or between two proteins.

Briefly describe the four levels of protein structure.

What is the purpose of each of the following reagents in SDS-PAGE sample buffer?

a. SDS

b. Glycerol

c. DTT

-Lab notebook where students keep record of their work each class in the lab.
Learning OutcomesAll
Number of Sections1
Number of Instructors1
Number of Students12

Data Analysis

Data Shared With

Faculty and staff within our department

Data Sharing Methods

Face-to-face meetings

Data SummaryFINAL EXAM: > 30% of students got answered the following questions correctly:

- What is one advantage for using viruses for recombinant protein expression in mammalian cells?

- Fill in the blank in the following statement.

Enzymes enhance the rate and ________________________ of chemical reactions.

For the remainder of the questions greater than 75% of the students answered satisfactorily.

Lab notebook reviews showed most students improved throughout the semester. Most students completed each section of the notebook satisfactorily.
Analysis SummaryAssessments – determine if each SLO is being met.

2.2.1. Exams with each question mapped to one or more SLO. Scores for each question tabulated. Success for each question; and therefore, each SLO will be determined.

For each question:

• If >75% of students answer a question satisfactorily no major changes to course material or presentation is planned.

• If between 50 and 75% answer question satisfactorily, examine the following and make changes if needed.

o Difficulty of question

o Course material related to the question/SLO

o Level of pre-course preparedness for students missing question.

• If <50% of students answer a question satisfactorily examine the following and make changes to improve student attainment of SLO.

o Difficulty of question

o Course material related to the question/SLO

o Level of pre-course preparedness for students missing question.
Next Steps PlannedStress topics missed in test questions (6.c.) in lectures. May not have emphasized the importance of these topics enough during class.

Add a new experiment to the course: immunoprecipitation. This is an important technique that is not taught in the Biotech program.
Learning OutcomesAll

GE Area C Details

Learning OutcomesNo answer
Number Students: ProficientNo answer
Number Students: DevelopingNo answer
Number Students: No EvidenceNo answer
CriteriaNo answer
Extra DetailsNo answer

Tentative Future Plans

TermSpring 2014
  • Assessment (measurement) of outcomes
  • Implementation of planned changes and reassessment
More DetailsStress topics missed in test questions (6.c.) in lectures. May not have emphasized the importance of these topics enough during class.

Add a new experiment to the course: immunoprecipitation. This is an important technique that is not taught in the Biotech program.

SLO Details Storage Location

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