BTEC 101 - Fermentation and Protein Purification - Stage 5 - Robert Del Vecchio


Assessment Methods
  • Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific SLOs
  • Assignments based on rubrics (such as essays, projects, and performances)
  • Direct observation of performances, practical exams, group work
  • Pre & post surveys or tests
  • Capstone projects or final summative assignments
Assessment Description- Precourse assessment that tests basic knowledge needed for the course and asks about student's educational background.

- Reports on fermentation runs: to train students to aggregate data, analyze data, assess experimental outcomes, and form hypothesis for outcome based upon learned course content.

- Students write a batch record.

- Quizzes on protein purification. Given the start of each day following a lecture on an aspect of protein purification. The intent is to force students to keep on the material as they will be putting concepts to use in lab experiments.

-Exams: three exams given at approximately 6 week intervals. The last exam is a cumulative final exam. Exams test knowledge of concepts presented in lecture and lab.


> You are going to be running a fermenter to produce GFP. Your research has shown that the maximum culture density you can grow E.coli to is 7.5 OD units in a glucose-supplemented media. At this point, the cells enter stationary phase. You agree with your colleagues that the best time to induce GFP production is at 6.0 OD units.

• The OD of the inoculum is 5.6 and the volume of inoculum is 0.1 liters.

• The volume of LB in the fermenter tank is 3.9 Liters.

• From previous experience you know the growth rate for this strain of E.coli in LB media is 0.025 OD/hour.

• Assume the inoculum is in log phase as you start the fermenter at 9:00 AM Monday morning

When should you come in to add arabinose? Show all calculations clearly to get full credit.

>How do you elute proteins from hydrophobic interaction column (HIC)? Answer in general terms – for any type of HIC column. Explain your answer.

>How does pH affect the binding of protein to ion exchange columns?
Learning OutcomesAll
Number of Sections1
Number of Instructors2
Number of Students16

Data Analysis

Data Shared With
  • Instructors of the same course (at CCSF)
  • Faculty and staff within our department
Data Sharing Methods
  • Face-to-face meetings
  • Email
Data Summary• Quizzes: Only 12.5% of students achieved 75% of the total points for the quizzes. Half of the students (8/16) got below 50% of the total points given for quizzes.


o Questions ranged from 4 to 12 points. Partial credit was given for the answers.

o Setting 75% of total points for a question as satisfactory, only 2/15 questions had > 80% of students answering satisfactorily.

o Setting 100 % of total points for a question as satisfactory, only 1/15 questions had > 80% (81%) of students answering satisfactorily.

o Only 37.5% (6/16) of students scored greater than 75% (9/12 pts.) of total points for Question 1. This question was a long scenario that tested multiple aspects of biomanufacturing in a GMP environment.

o 13/16 students took 2:45 to finish final exam; need to reduce questions on final.


Our class make up is highly varied ranging from students who have baccalaureate degrees to those who have 1 year of basic science education. We can streamline some materials if we see some commonalities such as understatnding of basic molecular biology or mathematics proficiency. Those areas where we see incongruencies we take note to pay more attention in the the instruction.


• Student fatigue in second part of semester. The course content is too much for some students. in the future we plan on breaking the class into two courses allowing weaker students to take the class in separate semesters.
Analysis Summary2Assessments – determine if each SLO is being met.

2.2.1. Exams with each question mapped to one or more SLO. Scores for each question tabulated. Success for each question; and therefore, each SLO will be determined.

For each question:

• If >80% of students answer a question satisfactorily no major changes to course material or presentation is planned.

• If between 50 and 80% answer question satisfactorily, examine the following and make changes if needed.

o Difficulty of question

o Course material related to the question/SLO

o Level of pre-course preparedness for students missing question.

• If <50% of students answer a question satisfactorily examine the following and make changes to improve student attainment of SLO.

o Difficulty of question

o Course material related to the question/SLO

o Level of pre-course preparedness for students missing question.
Next Steps PlannedEXAMS

o 13/16 students took 2:45 to finish final exam; need to reduce questions on final.

Some questions will be simplified


. The assignments are too abstract for less experienced students we will revise the grading rubric to be be much more specific.


Our class make up is highly varied ranging from students who have baccalaureate degrees to those who have 1 year of basic science education. We can streamline some materials if we see some commonalities such as understanding of basic molecular biology or mathematics proficiency. Those areas where we see in congruencies we take note to pay more attention in the instruction.
Learning OutcomesAll


Details- Removed some questions from the exams and simplified some questions. Analysis of students scores from Spring 2013 indicates we will need to simplify the questions more for Fall 2013.

- Fermentation data was posted on the web so students could follow along and stay engaged during the 4-day process.

-New examples question were developed to help students understand calculations needed for the spectrophotometer.

-Some lectures were shortened to provide more time for lab and group discussions of concepts.
Learning OutcomesAll

Tentative Future Plans

TermFall 2013
  • Assessment (measurement) of outcomes
  • Analysis and discussion of assessment data and next steps
  • Implementation of planned changes and reassessment
More DetailsNo answer

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