WOMN 10 - Women in film - Stage 4 - Maureen Brownsey


Assessment Methods
  • Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific SLOs
  • Assignments based on rubrics (such as essays, projects, and performances)
  • Direct observation of performances, practical exams, group work
  • Student self-assessments (such as reflective journals and surveys)
  • Pre & post surveys or tests
Assessment DescriptionPre-Surveys and Post-Surveys students self-assessed learning outcomes, and class effectiveness.
Learning Outcomes"The student will be able to relate such fundamental terms from Film Studies such as "narrative," "genre," "auteur," and "spectatorship."

'"The student will be able to use feminist film theory to analyze contemporary mainstream representations of women."
Number of Sections1
Number of Instructors1
Number of Students22

Data Analysis

Data Shared With
  • Faculty and staff within our department
  • Faculty and staff from related programs/departments
Data Sharing Methods
  • Face-to-face meetings
  • Email
  • Shared document files
Data SummarySurveys demonstrated that 85% of students self-assessed their skill levels of the aforementioned SLO's at the Master to Intermediate level, with 13% reporting skills at the introductory level.
Analysis SummaryDiscussion of the significantly different student demographic, the majority of students being ' 18 to 25 years old, presented several challenges; the most urgent was the dramatically lower verbal skills, especially writing. Department meeting discussions, aided in the creation of new teaching methods to respond to this effectively, while to encouraging students to develop their own 'critical voice.' It should be noted that moving the class from a Center night class to a day time course on the main campus, at least in part, added to this change in the student demographic, with fewer 'returning students,' many of whom already had college degrees or college experience.
Next Steps PlannedWe've revised the Course Outline, which includes modified SLO's that reflect contemporary culture and the changed student demographic. By including a solid understanding of the historical creation and growth of feminism and contrasting it to more recent, or "3rd Wave Feminism." Thereby the class is more 'in sync' with student life experiences and encourages the development of their unique critical 'voice' when interpreting films from a feminist approach that 'makes sense,' to them.

These changes are to be implemented in Fall 2013. One significant change in evaluating student progress is the inclusion of student journals, to be collected three times, strategically scheduled to let students know how well , or not, they are engaging with the readings and films. The first 'collection' will be returned to students approximately two weeks before Mid-Term, to increase student success. Other changes are being implemented, as detailed in the above ('6d') changes to class curriculum.
Learning OutcomesAll.


DetailsBy providing students with readings that position the historical context of feminism, particularly the '2nd Wave' (1970s-80s), as a foundation, from which to compare contemporary culture. Thereby challenging students to investigate, through the medium of film, how feminism's core tenets of gender equality and the goal of revealing the many intersectional oppressions, that may effect their lives, today.
Learning OutcomesAll.

Tentative Future Plans

TermFall 2013
  • Revision of outcomes and assessment methods (measurements)
  • Assessment (measurement) of outcomes
  • Analysis and discussion of assessment data and next steps
  • Implementation of planned changes and reassessment
More DetailsSee the above- 6 D-E-F.

SLO Details Storage Location

HARD COPY - In my personal filing system (my office)

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