Coordinator: Steven Raskin

Assessment Progress

Stage5. Course/program/service has undergone at least one full closed-loop cycle – implemented improvements have been assessed. Process is now on a continual cycle of repeated assessment and review.
Number of Outcomes7
Number of Outcomes Assessed to Date7
Assessment and Analysis FrequencyEvery semester


DetailsThe Course Outline for PHOT 51 was revised and re-approved during the Fall 2014 semester. As a result, the SLOs on record changed between the beginning of the term and the end. This report refers to the NEW SLOs.

As a result of shortcomings in the outcomes of previous SLOs F & J, during Spring 2014, these skills were assessed again after significantly more emphasis was placed on file transfer, storage, and metadata inclusion over the course of the semester. The “new” SLO covering these topics is SLO G; “Choose appropriate post production tools to process images and attach metadata.”

Assessment and Analysis Review

Assessment MethodsSubmissions to the Barbara Stewart Scholarship were assessed by a jury of Photography Department faculty on the basis of technical competence (SLOs A, B, C, D, and G). Aesthetic success was assessed as a criteria for SLO F. This was direct observation and analysis of images submitted conforming to specific submission requirements.
When Was Data Gathered?December, 2014
Discussion LogisticsFaculty and staff within the Photography Department. Specifically, a task force to evaluate an refine PHOT 51 which included current PHOT 51 faculty, the department chair and full-time faculty.
Number Assessed38
Data and Analysis Summary100% of students successfully achieved mastery in SLOs A, B, & C. 95% of aggregated students achieved mastery in SLO D.

The breakdown of aggregated SLO F success is as follows:

97% were able to successfully rename their files.

97% were able to successfully resize their files.

84% were able to successfully assign proper metadata to their files.

95% were able to successfully submit their files following instructions.

This contrasts sharply with results in Spring 2014 where the aggregate success for what is now SLO F was 56%. The redoubled effort to stress file management this semester has demonstrably paid off in the success rate.
Future ImprovementsThe course outline, scope, and foundation for this course is currently being reviewed and discussed within the department. There is a committee tasked with making appropriate changes, which will likely result in some restructuring of both subsequent courses and the program as a whole. Conclusions are anticipated for Fall, 2015, with a new course outline being written for implementation in Fall 2016.

Program Review Request

Yes, the above future improvements require resources that will be requested during the next annual PROGRAM REVIEW cycle. Examples: additional staff, equipment, software, consulting services, etc.

Future Plans

TermSpring 2015
DetailsPrimary assessment will be based on Lightroom skill development and realistic modification of goals and instructional methodologies.


DetailsNo answer

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