Coordinator: Naderh Degani

Assessment Progress

Stage5. Course/program/service has undergone at least one full closed-loop cycle – implemented improvements have been assessed. Process is now on a continual cycle of repeated assessment and review.
Number of Outcomes6
Number of Outcomes Assessed to Date5
Assessment and Analysis FrequencyEvery year


DetailsBoth assignments and assessments were refined for this course this fall 2014. A variety of post-production demonstrations and lectures were provided for the students during the semester which helped the students improve their architectural images.

Assessment and Analysis Review

Assessment MethodsIn order to make sure the students were able to directly put to use the techniques that were demonstrated in class, I included more precise assignments with clear instructions. Through the use of handouts and detailed descriptions using visual examples, in both the lecture and lab sessions of the course, as well as during the hands-on field trips that were provided, the students were able to fully grasp the necessary techniques that would make them more successful in their architectural photography.
When Was Data Gathered?The data reviewed was gathered from September to November 2014.
Discussion LogisticsThe review was mostly discussed with students and at the end of the Late Start course in November, it was briefly discussed with the department chair.
Number Assessed11
Data and Analysis Summary72% (8) of the students in the class received a passing score of 4 or higher (out of 5 total points). 1 student didn't complete the course and failed to withdraw in time, due to knee surgery, and the remaining 2 students were not consistently attending class and therefore missed valuable information that would have help them achieve a higher than 3 points.
Future ImprovementsI would like to continue the improvements that I had made this semester to the course, which I felt brought about much more successful Student Learning Outcomes, as well as add a few more demonstrations in lighting that will be helpful to the students understanding of how they can improve the interior shots that they take.

Future Plans

TermFall 2015
DetailsThis year, 5 out of 6 outcome assessments were made, and I hope to have the final outcome included in my assessments. As previously stated, I would like to continue the improvements that I made this Fall semester to the course, as well as add lighting demonstrations in class. For the last remaining outcome, I would like to provide a guest lecturer who is an Interior Designer and who works closely with Architectural Photographers, and ask the students to write a detailed paper about their relationship.


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