Coordinator: Vivian Ikeda

Assessment Progress

Stage5. Course/program/service has undergone at least one full closed-loop cycle – implemented improvements have been assessed. Process is now on a continual cycle of repeated assessment and review.
Number of Outcomes3
Number of Outcomes Assessed to Date3
Assessment and Analysis FrequencyEvery semester


DetailsThe MLOs were refined based on previous assessments that included student self-evaluations as well as faculty assessment results. MLOs were reduced and re-worded to adhere to current CCSF College Curriculum Committee guidelines, but still align with department-wide and level appropriate speaking skill outcomes.

Assessment and Analysis Review

Assessment MethodsLast semester the department conducted a focused SLO assessment on speaking skills. The data continues to be analyzed.The ESL department conducted an SLO assessment focused on speaking skills in Fall 2013. The data from the student survey, results from our department-wide speaking tests, individual faculty progress reports and reports from the noncredit curriculum committee, which has representatives from all five main ESL campuses were analyzed.
When Was Data Gathered?The progress reports data and test results collected from the Spring 2014 and anecdotal information from the noncredit curriculum committee, which as representatives from all five main ESL campuses are kept in written form by the Assessment and Curriculum Resource Instructors at the ESL Teachers’ Resource Center office.
Discussion LogisticsResults from the department-wide tests and reports from individual instructors are collected and discussed in the Noncredit Curriculum Committee (NCCC), which consists of representatives from the main ESL campuses, the Chair, and the department resource instructors. Results of these discussions are shared in the form of minutes and reports are sent back to the campuses by the campus NCCC reps. NCCC reps and test coordinators exist at each campus are are responsible for distributing department-wide tests and then the NCCC reps are primarily responsible for sharing test results.
Number Assessed167
Data and Analysis Summary100% of students passed or made satisfactory progress, therefore, no revision was needed.
Future ImprovementsEvery semester, progress report indicators are analyzed. Focused outcome skills will be assessed in a rotating 4-year schedule, so the speaking skill will be assessed in particular again in Fall 2017.

Future Plans

TermSpring 2015
DetailsThe progress reports data and test results collected from the Fall 2014 and anecdotal information from the noncredit curriculum committee and ESL Technology Committee, which as representatives from all five main ESL campuses are kept in written form by the Assessment and Curriculum Resource Instructors at the ESL Teachers’ Resource Center office. The department will analyze the results from the previous semester to determine whether there needs to be a discussion about revising the course outline.


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